The Bible.
The Word of God.
Boston's Gun Bible by Boston T. Party
Lethal Laws by Jay Simkin, Aaron Zelman, Alan M. Rice Jews
for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc., Publisher http://www.lethallaws.com/
Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Matthew Bracken
Groups Who Don't Like Us
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Stop the Hate http://personalwebs.myriad.net/steveb/mil.html
(P.S. We are not a hate group...)
Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence
How to Shoot a Rifle
I'm only aware of a handful of books & guides that teach you how to
shoot a rifle:
Surplus Firearms, C&R Firearms, and Cheap Ammo (local
The Ammo Store, Kettering, OH
List of .308 Ammo Sellers
Firearm Parts, Tools, and Accessories
Eezox Gun Cleaning Supplies
How to Use a Shooting Sling
Quality Sling Manufacturers
http://www.shottist.com (Ching Sling)
FN/FAL Links
FAL message board
FAL firearms, parts, and accessories
Is IsraelArms
closed for business?
Other FAL resources
Ohio Links
Ohio Revised Code
Ohio County Map
Ohio Freedom Alliance
Peoples Rights Organization
Ohioans For Concealed Carry
Buckeye Firearms Association
Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports http://www.ohio4hshootingsports.org/
Ohio's Historic West (Includes Champaign County) http://www.ohioshistoricwest.com/
Midwest Native Skills Institute http://www.survivalschool.com/
Northeast Ohio Primitive Living and Wilderness Survival
School http://www.medicinescout.com/
The Buckeye Institute
Ohio Military Reserve (OHMR)
Ohio Emergency Management Agency
Ohio Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/CERT/c_oh.htm
Red Cross (Ohio)
Ohio Community Service Council (OCSC)
Ohio Citizen Corps
Places to Shoot in Ohio
Ohio Senate
Inmate Search
Safety First Concealed Carry Course for Ohio CCW
Miami Valley Orienteering Club
Forgotten Ohio
Ohio Weather
This is a neat site. It allows you to view environmental sensor data at
many places around Ohio, starting at the county level.
General Information on Unorganized Militias in the U.S.
Some of My Favorite Links
Under God and In Your Face
Open Carry Walk in Urbana
Tactical Library
Patriot War College
John Ross
Fr. Frog http://www.frfrogspad.com/
Total Resistance
Forsaken Roots
Those Shirts
Free State Wyoming
Lady Liberty
Fred's M-14 Stocks
Jim Owens
Camp Perry
Jeff Cooper's Commentaries
Paladin Press
Firearms Tactical Institute
User's Guide to the Declaration of Independence
Founding Fathers: The Birth of the U.S.A. http://www.usa-people-search.com/content-founding-fathers-the-birth-of-the-usa.aspx
Claire Wolfe
Original Dissent
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk http://www.guntalk.com/
3rd Continental Congress
The Curmudgeon
Sierra Times (I really like Lewis J. Goldberg's articles)
The Patriotist (Lewis J. Goldberg's site)
Institute on the Constitution
Rabbi Mermelstein
Ranger Digest (Ranger Rick)
Savvy Survivor
The Patriot Site
Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Patriot Broadcasting Network
Original Intent
Shawn's Page
Military Morons
No, it's not what you think; it is pro-military. There are lots of good
Username: mm Password: mm
Mike's Domain
Liz Michael
Rational Review
The Stentorian's Second Amendment Site
KwMap http://www.kwmap.net/ A keyword map of the Internet